March 13, 2020

Dear Members and Partners of the AAP Rhode Island Chapter, 

We are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 developments in Rhode Island and the United States and as a Chapter are making adjustments to ensure the safety of our members, partners, and community at large. We are committed to following all recommendations from the CDC and RI Department of Health and will be modifying gatherings and meetings as necessary. Currently we have made the following adjustments through the end of April: 

  1. The RIAAP Annual Meeting which was to be held April 2nd is in the process of being rescheduled to summer/fall 2020. We will be processing refunds for registrations. Please keep an eye on your email for updates. 
  2. Decisions regarding the RIAAP/Think Babies Paid Leave Advocacy event and Lunch & Learns will be made in the coming days in conjunction with our AAP/Think Babies partners.
  3. All American Academy of Pediatrics events through May 10th have been canceled, including the AAP Legislative Conference. 

Thank you for all you do to care for children and families during this challenging time. 


Gregory Fox, MD, FAAP, RIAAP President

Jennifer Mann, MPH, RIAAP Executive Director