1.    General Issues:

a.     This document is to briefly guide you through proper documentation and coding for telehealth visits.  It isn’t intended to teach coding basics, especially with regards to Medical Decision Making.

b.     Accurate documentation is just as important for telehealth visits.

c.     Telehealth visits do NOT need to be recorded and saved.

d.     For established patients, we still need 2 out of 3 (History, Physical, MDM) to determine e/m coding level.

e.     The accepted codes are only the e/m codes.  You cannot bill for a well visit, high risk counseling (99401), weekend or holiday codes.

f.      If you do a telehealth visit and then need the patient to come briefly to the office for a procedure (such as a strep or flu test) without an in office visit your biller will need to bill the telehealth e/m visit as usual.  For the procedure, your biller will need to manually change the location of the procedure to in office as opposed to telehealth.

g.     You CAN BILL BY TIME and the same rules apply.  99213 (13 minutes where at least 50% of the time was counseling and coordination of care).  99214 (21 minutes where at least 50% of the time was counseling and coordination of care).  99215 (33 minutes where at least 50% of the time was counseling and coordination of care).  You MUST DOCUMENT time in your note by clicking the time button in our EMR or using the time quick text.

h.     If you are not billing the visit by time, read below.

2.    History Documentation:

a.     The history requirements are no different as for in-office visits.

b.     Some reminders:  Document allergies, medications, HPI with pertinent ROS, Pertinent PMH, Family and Social history.

c.     I personally am documenting in my first line on the HPI that this is a telehealth visit, though I haven’t found anything saying that is a requirement.







3.    Physical Exams:

a.     Though Physical Exam is much more limited, we can perform and document a lot more than we currently are doing.  Remember, as with in-office visits, we should be performing and documenting the pertinent and appropriate physical exam for that specific visit issue.  (documenting tanner staging for sore throat and using that to increase your physical exam level would be inappropriate)

b.     Here are system by system tidbits that you could use for documentation, if pertinent and applicable:

i.               Vitals: Home Temperature, Home Weight

ii.              General: Appearance- Sick/Not Sick, Pale, Tired, Sleeping, etc.

iii.             Skin: No Rash/Rash described as follows:

iv.             Head: As per parent anterior fontanelle is flat, Atraumatic

v.              Neck: FROM, no stiffness, no tenderness when parent palpates lymph nodes, no obvious masses

vi.             Eyes: (no) discharge, (no) conjunctival injection, EOMI, (no) eyelid edema

vii.           Nose: Clear/purulent rhinorrhea, nasal flaring

viii.          Ears: no drainage, nontender when parent presses on ear canal

ix.             Mouth: (no) pharyngeal erythema/exudates, palate intact, moist mucus membranes

x.              Chest: No pin-point tenderness when parent presses on sternum, normal respiratory effort, no splinting, (no) intercostal, subcostal retractions, no auditory stridor or wheezing

xi.             CV: No cyanosis, normal capillary refill

xii.           Abdomen: Able to jump up and down without severe pain, (non-)tender exam when parent palpates abdominal quadrants, (no) rebound, no distension

xiii.          Back: No curvature noted

xiv.          Neuro: Alert, responsive, normal gait, negative rhomberg, normal strength

xv.           GU: (no) vaginitis, discharge, erythema, no apparent hernia seen, (no) tenderness when parent palpates testicles

xvi.          Psych: Normal affect and mentation




4.    Medical Decision Making:

a.     The rules for MDM are the same as they are for in-office visits.  You need 2 out of 3 regarding Diagnosis, Quantity of Data Reviewed, Relative Risk to the Patient.

b.     Diagnoses: New Problem with no work up, New Problem with work up, will get you the diagnosis points for a 99214 and a 99215 respectively, just like an in-office visit.  Established problem worsening gets you the points for a 99213.

c.     Quantity of Data:  This might be harder to get to higher levels of service.  However, remember if you are ordering blood work or x-rays, if you are sending them into the office for flu or a strep test, those data points count just as they would in an in-office visit.

d.     Risk: A couple of comments with regards to risk.  The fact that your exam is “limited” in certain areas, your risk in increased.  Meaning, you aren’t putting YOUR hands on the patients belly, so though you believe based on your video observations that the belly isn’t surgical, you still need to keep that in your differential and your discussion with the family.  You should document that increased risk in your note.  Also, as we mentioned in previous communications, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk for practically most fevers, coughs, even now diarrhea, eye discharge and inability to taste or smell.  If you document these concerns in your notes, that will justify the increased level of risk.

5.    Quick Texts:

.covid Because of the current pandemic, and based on the patients symptoms and/or risk factors, will send out testing to the lab for COVID-19.  Patient instructed to remain in self-quarantine until the results are received.  If positive, will notify the Department of Health.

.covidnotest Discussed with parent that the signs, symptoms and exam are consistent with a viral infection.  In the differential is the possibility of COVID-19.  Given lack of high risk factors for this patient and for direct family members we will not test for COVID-19.  Proper handwashing and other infection control discussed.  Tylenol, and hydration discussed.  Call if symptoms worsen.  Self-quarantine until no fever for 3-5 days.

.19phone Counseled on COVID-19 Pandemic. Specifically counseled on risk factors for exposure and symptoms. Counseled on parameters for testing and self-quarantine, as needed.  Also counseled on proper hygiene including hand washing and social

distancing. Monitor for fever, congestion, cough and/or shortness of breath. Call back if further questions or need for telemedicine or in person visit.

.covidremote  COVID crisis does not allow for a safe in person visit and therefore in order to meet the needs of patient, the visit is being conducted remotely.  All efforts have been made so that medical advice given is the best possible under pandemic conditions.





6.   HIPAA Policy Changes during COVID-19

The current pandemic has dramatically increased the need for Telehealth. Fortunately, Allied has access to the Anytime Pediatrics platform which is now live in all divisions.  


There may be situations, where Anytime Pediatrics does not meet the medical need.  While HIPAA rules have been relaxed, violations may still be levied. It is very important that we practice compliantly as much as possible. Allied has set up Zoom access for specific types of telehealth visits such as lactation (where doctor, patient and LC may need to be present from different locations.) Please contact IT support if you have that need.  In addition, if you need to connect with a patient at a time when Anytime is not reasonably available (the middle of the night,) you may ONLY use Zoom.  


The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) specified that Facebook Live, Twitch, TikTok or other public facing video tools should NOT be used for telehealth.  OCR also states that “healthcare providers should notify patients that such third-party apps pose privacy risks” and “providers should enable all available encryption and privacy modes when using such applications”.  


You do NOT need to record visits on any platform.  You DO need to document the visit in the EMR.  You need to write a proper note using the telehealth template including a history, limited physical exam and an assessment/plan.  Using the telehealth template will make sure that your E/M visit is billed with the correct telehealth modifier.